Welcome to ParkinSoft

"Monitoring, and, record keeping of tremor and dyskinetia levels for patients with Parkinson´s Disease. "

Accesible from any smart device browser.

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ParkinSoft is software created to remotely monitor tremor and dyskinetia levels from patients with Parkinson's disease (PD).

A tool for PD diagnosed patients family members, but also for medical investigation. Objective acknowledge of benefits/ with changes of medication or DBS adjustemts. Recieve email alerts when tremor level reached considerable high levels. Graphics with years of tremor and dyskinetia levels load fast years of information.

ParkinSoft enables people to monitor and keep record of patient´s tremor and dyskinetia levels, amongst other events such as medicine consumption, comments, dates of medical consultations, or, medical analysis/studies. 

An iphone and an apple watch  are required, parkinSoft relies on apple´s movement disorder API.

One month free trial.